Children’s Ministries
(pre-school to 5th grade)
CTR Children’s Ministry
Parents & Kids - we’d love to hear from you! Click on the button below to leave a praise, prayer request or feedback for the children’s ministry leaders.
Children’s Church (K-5th)
Children’s Church is for children whose parents chooses for them to participate. Its is designed to deliver deeper knowledge and understanding of the Bible that is age level and developmentally appropriate (grades K-2 & 3-5) and, to support and prepare the kids to transition to our Sunday Morning worship service.
Children’s Church will be offered the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays each month. Class will begin at 10:00 and end at the close of the regular church service. Kids are assigned to small groups for the year, which fosters peer relationships as well as mentoring opportunities for the leaders.
We are teaching through the Bible using Lifeway’s The Gospel Project curriculum, which focuses each lesson on Christ and the good news of the Gospel.
Our time together is spent in worship, Bible Story time, lesson reinforcement activities, and small group time.
Lessons are led by select church members on a rotating basis with the support of volunteers, which allow for a ratio of 1:5 (adult to child) approximately.
For more information contact:
King’s Club (K-5th)
Stay tuned for updates on King’s Club!
For more information contact: Katlyn Maat
Nursery (Birth to 4yrs)
We have nursery care available for children ages birth-4 years.
Infants: children from birth until they are crawling.
Walkers: children who are crawling to toddling.
Preschool: children from 3 years old to pre-kindergarten (about 4 years old). It's best if children are potty trained before moving up to this room.
We have a Quiet room attached to the infant/walkers’ room that has cribs, rocking chairs, sound machine, and blackout curtains for laying little ones down for naps.
For more information contact: Kristol Caldwell or Leslie Watkins, Co-Directors
Vacation Bible School (Summer)
Vacation Bible School is designed to bring the gospel of Christ Jesus to primary school children and to make the Word of God relevant to their daily lives using a joyful and fun-themed curriculum.
For more information contact: Robin Einerson, Administrative Director
Child Protection Policy
It is our desire and joyful honor to not only teach but also protect your children while they are in our care, whether it is on Sunday morning, Wednesday night or out for a special youth event. To that end, we exercise great care and diligence in choosing teachers and making sure they are of that same mind and heart to be above reproach in all interactions with our children and youth. If you are interested in knowing more, please see the following document that outlines the process that all prospective teachers are required to complete: